Membership and Donations

Memberships are $20 for individuals or $40 for couples or families. There are three ways to pay / contribute:

  1. Send a check, payable to CILU, to
    PO Box 632
    Holmdel, NJ 07733

  2. Pay online using PayPal by clicking on the “Add or Renew My Membership” or “Other Donations” button below.

For online contributions:

  • Use the “Other Amount” on the Membership page if you want to add a donation to your membership.

  • The Membership page also includes higher options to also cover the processing fees, so that CILU gets the full $20 or $40 amount.

  • Also, you can specify an “Other Amount” on the Donations page if you want something different than the standard options.

Add or Renew My Membership
Other Donations

3. Pay using a credit card. Click on the Donate button below. That takes you to PayPal, and then you have the choice to pay via your PayPal account (if you have one) or credit card. Please use the “Write a note (Optional)” feature to tell us your address and telephone number, and what your contribution is for (membership and/or donation).

4. Transfer money to CILU using Venmo: @CILU-Holmdel Please add a comment to tell us your name, address, and telephone number, and what the donation is for.